You are here / Home / Cash Facts Cash Facts If you want to know the facts about cash then read on - you might be surprised by some of what we have to share . As of December 4, 2019 there was $1.79 trillion worth of Federal Reserve U.S dollar notes in circulation. ( Cash accounted for 55 percent of all payments under $10 in 2018 and 32 percent of payments between $10 and $24.99 ( The average shrink rate in the US for 2018 was 1.38%, with a rise in the highest levels of shrink (NRF, 2019) The average dollar loss per dishonest employee was $1,264.10 in 2018 (NRF, 2019) In 2015, Americans spent a total of $2,359 billion in cash ( In 2017, U.S consumers held more cash on average than their 2015 and 2016 counterparts ( Physical currency is experiencing a resurgence. In the US, currency in circulation at the end of September 2019 reached an estimated $1.76 trillion, close to the highest level in at least 36 years ( The first $1 Federal Reserve note was issued in 1963, and its design—featuring President George Washington—remains unchanged ( Since you've been on this page, over $400000...has been withdrawn from cash machines. (ATMIA, 2017) In 2017, around 469,000 counterfeit Bank of England banknotes were taken out of circulation (Bank of England) 75% of countries report cash is used in over 50% of transactions (G4S Global Cash Report 2018) Around 85% of retail payment transactions are done with cash, which equates to 60% of retail transaction value ( Share this page Back to Home