You are here / Home / News & Media / News News Sort by Most recent Article name 4567891011121314 Previous Next Following huge success at the NACS Show 2022 in early October, Volumatic is gearing up to attend... Volumatic head to MJBizCon 2022 to showcase their latest... With ongoing media speculation and misinformation being spread about the demise of cash for many... New report from the Bank of England highlights sustained... Two of Volumatic’s valued employees are celebrating their own personal milestone during... Two employees celebrate 25 years' of service with Volumatic Volumatic are gearing up to attend the first of three expos this Fall/Winter season in the U.S.... Volumatic set to impress the U.S. convenience sector at... UPDATE (27th September 2023): The Bank of England will reveal images of updated banknotes... Volumatic reassures customers that changes to cash will... Cash handling experts Volumatic are issuing a reminder to all businesses that handle cash that both... Volumatic reminds businesses that £20 and £50 paper notes... Discuss your requirements with us today