Formed in 1992, Real is a European hypermarket and a member of the German trade and retail giant Metro AG.
Real needed a simple cash counting solution for their stores and chose Volumatic ahead of our competitors...
Challenges Faced by Real
Real were looking into investing in a till reconciliation solution that made their daily workload quicker and more cost effective for their cash handling and so approached a number of cash handling companies to find a solution that suited their daily needs.
The Volumatic Solution
Currency scales from four different manufacturers were tested over an extended period of time and the Volumatic CountEasy was chosen as the winner. The reasons for the CountEasy being selected were its sturdiness, its extreme ease of use and our five year warranty. Furthermore, the configuration of the scale was adjusted to meet the specific requirements of the supermarket. The scales were complemented by till cups to further accelerate the counting process.
The Outcome
Real have since gone on to purchase over 700 CountEasy money counters and they are looking to maximise their investment further by adopting integration solutions from Volumatic that can enhance their current cash handling processes.
Want Volumatic to help your retail business?
Take a look at our innovative cash handling product range or contact us to find out more.